Green Country
Adult & Teen Challenge
Putting Hope Within Reach
If you are searching for a way out from the bondage of addiction, look no further. Green Country Adult & Teen Challenge will provide a place for Jesus to break the chains and set you free to live an abundant life!
What To Expect
Spiritual Growth
Throughout our program, students will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of Christ-centered activities. We believe the Word of God is the wellspring of life, so we have a thoroughly developed Bible-based curriculum that will help you live a life free from addiction. Through sermons, Bible studies, prayer, and spiritual retreats, we strive to create an environment that promotes spiritual growth.
Work Therapy
During our work therapy program, students can develop a healthy work ethic, can learn job training skills, and can apply lessons learned in course work. In a supervised environment, students can work and find purpose, addressing some of the issues that might prevent them from maintaining employment after they graduate the program.
Student Fellowship
During your program, you will be involved with other like-minded students who are also searching for freedom from addiction. During your classes and work therapy, you will be able to discuss Biblical and spiritual growth and become more involved with individuals growing in faith.
Our Success
78% Success Rate
78% of graduates from Adult & Teen Challenge addiction recovery centers remain sober and substance-free post-graduation.
91% Family
91% of graduates who have family members
reported improved quality of these relationships.
93% Freedom
93% reported NO new legal problems post-graduation.
Life At
Green Country
Green Country
Take a glimpse at a day in the life of a Green Country Adult & Teen Challenge student. Here you will find Christ-centered daily routines, biblical education, and worship.
"Growing up in a difficult environment, I felt worthless and rejected. At 13-14, I started cutting as a way to cope. Wanting to fit in with my family, I began using cigarettes and eventually turned to methamphetamine. Within nine months, I was injecting meth daily, suffering from sleep deprivation, and becoming a burden to those around me. But going through the Adult & Teen Challenge program, I have found Hope and Grace through Jesus Christ!"
"Before Teen Challenge, I lived in squalor, drowning in addiction and self-pity. Adult & Teen Challenge saved me from the depths of despair. Now, I'm grateful and transformed, with a renewed faith in God. Trust the process and never give up. Teen Challenge can bring healing and hope."
"My life was a mess. Addiction affected my relationships, and my connection with God was weak. Coming to Adult & Teen Challenge refreshed me and reminded me of my purpose. I found happiness and patience, developed spiritually through prayer, and now have plans for a better future as a mom and grandma."
About Green Country Adult & Teen Challenge
The Green Country Adult & Teen Challenge program provides a 13+ month residential training program for women ages 18 and over with life-controlling problems such as alcohol abuse, drug abuse, depression, anxiety, and eating disorders.
The program aims to equip women to become servants of Christ who live to bring glory and honor to God. Adult & Teen Challenge endeavors to produce graduates who function responsibly and productively in civil society, and who have healthy relationships in the workplace, family, church, and community. With an experienced team of leadership and staff, as well as a highly developed biblically-based curriculum, our women's program will help an individual truly transform their life. With a 78% rate of our graduates remaining free from addiction, our program has proven itself as one of the most effective programs in the world.

Transformation – Not Treatment
The biggest difference between Adult & Teen Challenge and a traditional recovery center is our focus on Jesus. We do not simply focus on the symptoms of addiction, but we work our way to the root of the issue. Our programs depend on the power of the Holy Spirit and God’s word to provide our students with a guiding light. Treatment is important, but transformation is key.

Long-Term Residential Programs
Most of our programs last an average of 12-18 months. This timeframe provides ample opportunity for adults and teens to confront their destructive choices, their self-sabotaging behavior, and their unhealthy views. It then gives them a safe place to establish a new “normal”— assured of the love of God and under the guidance of Biblical principles. During this time, the student will be able to develop routines and behaviors that will lead to good choices and an abundant life.

Discipleship & Evangelism
Through our Bible-based curriculum, students learn how to apply God’s Word to their lives. An onsite teacher will lead the student through various topics surrounding addiction and life-controlling issues. They also learn to recognize the Holy Spirit’s work in their lives, invite God to help them overcome their life-controlling problems, and become more like Christ.
1701 S Main St
Sapulpa OK 74066
Contact Us
1701 S Main St
Sapulpa OK 74066
[email protected]
(918) 512-8113
(918) 512-8110
1701 S Main St
Sapulpa OK 74066
[email protected]
(918) 512-8113
(918) 512-8110